Raffaello, woodruff, country cake and many other ice cream flavors are available at Eiscafé Casal in Karlsruhe

Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream - Karlsruhe's ice cream parlors are open again

from Alisa Litterst


The ice cream parlors in Karlsruhe's city centre are open again this year, providing Karlsruhe residents with plenty of treats and variety 


It's hard to imagine a warm spring day in Karlsruhe without a delicious ice cream! Fortunately, there are numerous ice cream temptations waiting in Karlsruhe city center to sweeten the first warm days.

If you stroll through Karlsruhe city center, there is a wide selection of delicious ice cream specialties! From popular classics to unusual waffle creations and heavenly ice cream sundaes - the ice cream parlors in Karlsruhe city centre leave nothing to be desired.

Karlsruhe's city center also starts a delicious ice cream season in 2024

Of course, no ice cream parlor is complete without the vanilla, chocolate and strawberry varieties, closely followed by stracciatella and yoghurt. As true classics and most popular flavors, these are very popular with young and old alike. Spiced up with fruit sauces, pieces of fruit or chocolate or sprinkles, they are once again popular this year. 

With its new outdoor seating right on Herrenstraße, Pâtisserie Ludwig entices customers with the finest homemade ice cream. An insider tip for the summer: coconut ice cream - yummie!

Whether lemon-basil or strawberry-mint: the ice cream from the Claus ice cream parlor in Lammstraße picks up on current trends in the "ice cream world". If you want pure refreshment and handmade fruit ice cream, you should definitely visit Yollie - The Popice Café. Many different varieties of fruit ice cream, such as strawberry-mint, mango-coconut, orange-passion fruit or cucumber-lemon, are waiting to be tasted.

The Piccolino ice cream parlor delights young and old Karlsruhe locals alike with delicious ice cream sundaes, also to take away.

  • Amarena mug
  • Caramel mug
  • Hazelnut cup
  • Strawberry mug
  • Chocolate mug

and many other variations make gourmets' hearts beat faster.

The traditional ice cream parlors in the city centre also spoil the city centre with homemade and finest ice cream as they have done for many years

Karlsruhe residents can enjoy ice cream specialties and cool drinks such as ice cream milkshakes, ice chocolate, iced coffee or Flipper Orange at Eis Cortina, located directly on Karlsruhe's market square. The Eiscafé Casal in the main shopping street Kaiserstraße also has a cozy outdoor area and a huge selection of ice cream. Even four-legged friends are catered for with their own ice cream creation made from liver sausage! 

The waffle will be the star: Karlsruhe will continue to focus on unusual and delicious waffle trends in 2024

It's not just ice cream that is the star this summer, the waffle has also moved into the spotlight of taste: there is hardly an ice cream parlor in Karlsruhe that doesn't offer its customers a very special ice cream waffle. These range from black waffles, waffles with chocolate rim or sprinkles to bubble waffles, in which the ice cream is served in freshly baked waffles.

We wish you bon appétit and a delicious "ice cream time" in Karlsruhe city center!