Influencer marketing for Karlsruhe
Anja Polzer presented stores, restaurateurs and projects from Karlsruhe city center
Genuine love for Karlsruhe, authenticity and "up to date" - these were the keywords in the search for the right influencer for Karlsruhe city center.
After a close exchange and due to her great interest in Karlsruhe's city life, the right ambassador was finally found: Influencer Anja Polzer! Anja Polzer was born in Karlsruhe and is known from national television. She is now the owner of the social media agency "Social Media King" and has around 48,000 followers on Instagram.
Anja Polzer presented from summer 2020 to the end of 2022, after close consultation with the editorial team of the city marketing team two selected topics from Karlsruhe city center per month on her social media channels - from new openings, owner-managed stores to current trend topics and restaurant tips. There were very personal insights behind the scenes of Karlsruhe city center. Whether as a story, reel, post or video.
You can take a look at the results of the three-year project on the Instagram account of Anja Polzer under the highlights "Karlsruhe".