Karlsruhe vacancy and
relocation management
The Citymarketing Karlsruhe works together with the economic development of the city on the topics of vacancy and relocation management.
As a project of the "City 2020 - 2026 action plan" in the corridor theme Future city center and in particular as a result of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the focus has been even more intensive since 2020. Karlsruhe was a partner for 15 months in a nationwide funding project of the Institute for Retail Research (IfH) Cologne which resulted in the development of a new digital platform for vacancy and relocation management.
City marketing and business development use the platform LeAn® platform and offer it as a free service both for the procurement of commercial space for property owners and estate agents and for the search for suitable space in the city center.
Two separate detectors are available for use:
for current and upcoming commercial vacancies in the city center
for people looking for suitable commercial space in the city center