Stadtleuchten Karlsruhe

We make Karlsruhe shine!

Media art in the shop window connects the city center and the digital edition of the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE Karlsruhe

Parallel to the digital edition of the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE, which can currently be seen every evening in the virtual room at, numerous shop windows in Karlsruhe's city center will be turned into a glowing open-air gallery. "City Lights" presents selected works by local and national light and media artists free of charge until September 13th in the UNESCO City of Media Arts Karlsruhe and creates another cultural highlight in #SommerinKarlsruhe.

Fascinating compositions of light and fog, digital play of colors on large screens, video projections or fluorescent acrylic rods - the artists use a variety of techniques and materials to create impressive works that invite you to linger and think. Many of the works are already very nice to look at in daylight, others only develop their full luminous effect after dark.